
Clairetwx, seventeenth.
I ♥ my girlfriends.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I shall blog more often and not let my blog be dead k? :) My birthday cum sixth month with boyfriend is arriving in 1month and 5days (I know its still a long way, but I'm starting to worry for it, W.O.R.R.Y I mean). I won't be totally free until 20Nov & on 10Dec, i'll be away, back to Malaysia! Sigh, I doubt i'll celebrate it this year w sisters&brothers? Maybe, maybe not. Someone give me a surprise birthday party please? ^^ But I still hope to celebrate it with CherylBff & MindyCounsellor next year, urgh. Time is being a bitch! Kthxbye, lastly, IloveAlmousC.

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